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The world renowned Dickson Quick Change system was developed as a major advancement from the conventional four way toolpost. This simple, robust design uses hardened and ground components to give high levels of accuracy and repeatability.

  • A versatile range of supplied toolholders can be interchanged in seconds, providing a flexible approach to machining, giving proven significant set-up time savings.
  • Centre height adjustment is achieved in seconds with a simple knurled nut, eliminating the need for packing pieces.
  • Dickson Quick change toolpost kits are supplied with 2 off standard toolholders and 1 off ‘V’ / Boring bar toolholder as standard.
  • Additional Morse Taper, Plain Bore, Parting Off and Extended toolholders are also available as options.
  • The stud assembly which attaches the Toolpost onto the machine Top Slide are also available.

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